Physiotherapists become flexible(r) with SMS service

Almost every adult has been to ‘the physio’ at some point. Physiotherapists treat many different complaints. From sports injuries to a sprained ankle and from incontinence problems to a strained jaw. But a visit to the physiotherapist is also quite exciting for many people. As a physiotherapist, how do you give patients that final push? So that they too can get rid of their aches and pains?

The more we move, the healthier we stay. This is not only good for our own well-being, but also good because it reduces healthcare costs. For people for whom exercise is not self-evident (temporarily or permanently), professional care is needed. This is where the physiotherapist comes in. Physiotherapists help people to move better or to keep moving. They are experts in movement and posture who help prevent and resolve physical complaints so that you can move properly again. Naturally, this care is entirely adapted to the personal situation. Sometimes the therapy consists only of advice, in other cases a treatment is started. 

Physiotherapy gets people moving

Physiotherapists help to resolve minor aches and pains and prevent or reduce chronic pain. This is good for the patients and their environment. After all, people in pain also make great demands on their loved ones. As a result, everyone is confronted with the pain in one way or another. On the other hand, there is the carefree feeling of not being in pain. The result: taking better care of yourself and others and being able to be active. And that, in turn, contributes greatly to the feeling of happiness. Going to the physio with pain complaints is therefore essential. 

Treatment and doubts

Because the complaints of patients of a physiotherapist are so diverse, it sometimes happens that people have ‘cold feet’. Of course, everyone wants to be free of complaints and pain. But a treatment like this is also not something to take lightly. An appointment has been scheduled, but what exactly is waiting for you? How long will it take? Will it hurt? Perhaps you should wait a little longer? Who knows, maybe the complaint will go away on its own? I don’t think I’ll go… It’s all recognisable. But it’s also annoying for the healthcare provider. After all, he or she has freed up time and space for an intake interview or an initial treatment.

No-shows cost unnecessary money

Patients often fail to show up at a healthcare institution or provider. The phenomenon is also known as ‘no-show’. The reasons for not showing up at a healthcare appointment are diverse. It could be the bad weather, not having transport, forgetting the appointment or, for example, not being brave enough anymore. In all cases it is annoying. For the healthcare institution and for the patient. Because healthcare institutions incur unnecessary costs. But it also increases the workload of staff. Calls have to be made, schedules changed, new appointments arranged. And the patient himself is not helped, or is helped later, with all the associated health consequences. 

Reduced number of ‘no-shows’

Spryng started with SMS service in the healthcare sector 15 years ago. The first priority was to reduce the number of ‘no-shows’. And that proved to be successful! In those years, millions of euros have been saved and the number of ‘no-shows’ has decreased by 70 percent (!). An enormous gain for the healthcare sector, with a small message of no more than 160 characters! Because sending an SMS as an appointment reminder or confirmation works to give people just that nudge in the right direction. Ping! An SMS message arrives on the phone. No, not in between the many app notifications that are sent throughout the day. And not as a spam message in your mailbox either. But a personal, relevant and short text message. Hey, what’s up? Oh yes, I have an appointment with the physiotherapist tomorrow! Almost forgot.

How does SMS work for physical therapists?

Sending a text message as an appointment confirmation or appointment reminder is a cheap and very effective way to reduce the number of ‘no-shows’ in healthcare. This has been amply proven in recent years. But also specifically for physiotherapists, an SMS API is a smart tool to get more people moving. Often, physiotherapy patients have a number of treatments to go to. To keep an overview in the many full diaries, you help your patients with an SMS appointment reminder. And Spryng’s SMS API, which is required for automated SMS, is easily linked to your healthcare system. You determine the basic text(s) and when the SMSes are sent. The patient receives a message from your practice as many hours in advance. And will be less inclined to ignore or forget the appointment. The effect of an SMS is also analysed in clear reports. So you know exactly how efficient and successful SMS is for your practice.

Advantages of SMS service

The advantages for you as a physiotherapist:

  • Decrease of the number of ‘no shows
  • Reduces the workload of your staff
  • Saves costs
  • This automated communication via SMS costs relatively little time and money
  • SMS has a high ‘open rate’ (an SMS message is almost always read within 3 minutes)
  • Less often being disturbed during a treatment because people are less likely to change or cancel an appointment.

The advantages for your patients:

  • Extra service 
  • A ‘personal’ message ensures greater involvement
  • A message from the healthcare provider provides support, confidence and a push in the right direction (‘We are expecting you.’)
  • Even if there is no (wifi) coverage, an SMS is still delivered.
  • Potential ‘no-shows’ don’t occur, so complaints will be dealt with sooner.

Moving carefree with SMS

Sometimes an SMS is just that last little push your patients need to enjoy their free time painlessly again. Or to get back to work. To be able to sport, to move and to pick up normal life again. With one SMS message, someone has the chance to be on the sports field again, or to go for a walk. And SMS is not only a good way to remind people of their appointments. You can also very well communicate other short messages. For example, sharing a link to a website with practical tips and exercises. In short, with a text message everything gets moving again!

Reliable and traceable

Most people always have their mobile phone within reach at all times. That makes SMS the best way to confirm an appointment or send a reminder. Even when the mobile phone is switched off, an SMS is delivered within 48 hours of it being sent. This is in contrast to e-mails. By the way, did you know that SMS service is more sustainable than sending e-mails? The amount of energy and CO2 emissions for the management and transport of e-mail data is in fact many times greater than for sending an SMS. This is mainly because SMS is sent via telephone technology and e-mails via the Internet. In addition, recipients of SMS messages use much less paper (because there is less paper mail and communication equipment). 

SMS for 2FA and OTP as well

That’s a lot of capitals and abbreviations to indicate that the use of SMS in healthcare is not limited to sending appointment reminders. Because SMS has many more applications. For instance, it is also the best way to make a safe connection, such as for GPs, physiotherapists and other care providers who have to fall back on video consultations (e-consult) in corona time. Wherever the EPD, HIS and other databases are used in healthcare, such a secure connection is obviously of great importance. This secure connection is established via Two Factor Authentication (2FA) or a One Time Password (OTP). When logging in to the online space, these are sent via an SMS message. After entering the code, logging in is possible. Very accessible and fast, but above all very safe. Because through this extra ‘threshold’ an encrypted connection is created. The use of 2FA and OTP is also called SMS authentication. This means: sending one-time passwords and codes to log in securely. 

Free SMS testing?

Are you interested in an SMS service for your practice? Or do you already have an SMS service but want to get more out of it? Spryng makes an inventory of your situation and wishes. So that together we can make a plan for a smooth communication system that will help your practice and your patients! Or try out the SMS service yourself, with a free test account at Spryng. You can do so via this link. Do you prefer an offer without engagement? Request a quote here. Still have questions? Let us know, our team will get into action immediately and examine your specific situation and possibilities. Because our goal is to make care run smoother with SMS services. So that you can continue to do your work smoothly. And get your patients moving again.