How 2peaches helps discotheques with SMS verification

2peaches GmbH, a full-service agency for the development of mobile applications (apps) and websites, was founded in 2006. The company supports its customers in the development and digitalization of products and services. They experience like no other that SMS is an essential means of communication and control. For example, for the “all-in-one” solution Disco2App, which digitizes check-in at discotheques.

Disco2App is one of the proprietary apps that 2peaches has developed. With this app it is possible to handle the entire disco visit digitally. From ticket sales to check-in (with ID check), event information, mobile payment and all other services offered by the club. Club operators can customize the Disco2App to meet their individual needs. Due to the Corona crisis, the app has helped many nightclub and discotheque operators organize more events digitally. 

The necessity for correct information

However, there was a problem with the accuracy of the phone numbers of club guests who used the Disco2App. Yet, it is precisely this data that is essential for the proper use of the app. Almost all services in the clubs are handled through the app. In the Corona crisis, it must also be possible to locate visitors to the clubs. This is often a requirement of local authorities to keep a club in operation. However, the phone numbers of the visitors must then be correct. Always. But how does that work?

SMS as authentication with OTP

The solution was simple: SMS was used by default as a means of verification during registration within the app. This was the only way to ensure that the phone numbers were correct. “Using a One Time Password (OTP) during initial registration ensured the accuracy of the phone numbers for our customers, the club operators. By making use of  SMS, we were able to ensure effective contact tracking and smooth club operations. So Spryng’s SMS service has a great added value for 2peaches, for our customers (the clubs) and for their visitors.”

“The flexible and straightforward communication with Spryng made the integration easy and quick. The service as well was fast, competent and to our complete satisfaction.”Tim Trinkies Managing Director 2Peaches GmbH

Why Spryng?

“Spryng was our first choice thanks to the  100% GDPR compliance, the attractive price structure and the good and fast service. They convinced us with their very flexible collaboration and communication as well as the easy and fast implementation of the Rest API. Spryng provided all necessary data and answered all questions immediately. Our customers are also very satisfied. Especially with the current pandemic, it is important to have immediate follow-up in case of a possible Corona outbreak in a club. With SMS verification, this is covered almost 100 percent. The SMS service with a one-time password offers real added value. The delivery rate and speed of delivery are also very good.” 

“The service of Spryng is exactly to our liking. The very fast delivery times make Spryng a good partner for the verification process.”Tim Trinkies Managing Director 2Peaches GmbH

How can SMS help your organization?

Sometimes an SMS service is not obvious at first sight, but it turns out to be the best and fastest solution to a problem. Such as with the Disco2App from 2peaches. Do you also have problems in (digital) communication with customers or employees or with the reliability and security of information transmission? Our SMS-Gateway can help solve this problem once and for all with a simple SMS-API. We are happy to think along with you. Without any obligations. Because sometimes 160 characters can make a huge difference.
We would be happy to tell you more about it. Send an email to [email protected] or call +49 2131 77 66 00 66 directly.