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49 ready-to-use SMS templates for the financial industry

49 ready-to-use SMS templates for the financial industry

Whether it is important transaction notifications via SMS, security alerts via SMS or customer service updates SMS, Spryng is known as a trusted partner for banks, insurance offices and other financial institutions when it comes to delivering effective SMS solutions. Since 2021, WhatsApp for Business has been added to that list. In this blog, we want to inspire companies in the financial sector to use SMS and WhatsApp in the most effective way. 

Tip for secure login via SMS: Multifactor authentication (MFA) 

The most common application of SMS in the financial sector is secure login via SMS. Banks, insurers and pension funds typically manage their data and information through online portals. Unauthorised access to this data can have disastrous consequences. Financial service providers are often targeted by criminals and data breaches are common in this sector. Almost all financial institutions working with Spryng already use SMS for two-factor or multi-factor authentication (2FA or MFA). 

But much more is possible with SMS in financial services. Below are SMS templates for banks, insurers, pension funds, investment funds, mortgages, investment firms and credit rating agencies. 

Important to consider when using SMS in the financial sector

SMS remains a relevant communication channel for the financial sector because of the urgency of messages and the high open rate. In an industry where timely communication is crucial, SMS provides instant access to customers, allowing quick delivery and reading of important updates, transaction notifications and security alerts. SMS has an open rate of 98% on average and is read in 91% of cases even within 5 minutes. At the same time, we also understand that SMS are used for phishing. So use links only when really necessary, but use SMS mainly to reach your target audience quickly. SMS is the most powerful communication channel to reach your target group quickly!

SMS templates for banks and online banks 

Bank account reminder via SMS: 

"Dear [Name], your account has a minus balance. Please review your account to avoid additional charges. - [Bank name]"

Fraud alert via SMS: 

"Possible suspicious activity on your bank account. Please check your transactions and contact us if necessary. - [Bank name]"

Payment reminder via SMS: 

"Dear [Name], your payment of €[Amount] is due on [Date]. Please make sure you pay on time to avoid additional charges. - [Bank name]"

Bank account update via SMS: 

"Your account details have been successfully updated. Please log in to check the changes. - [Bank name]"

New Offer:

 "Receive 1.5% interest on your savings with our new savings account. Visit our website for more info. - [Bank Name]"

Savings Target Reminder: 

"Hi [Name], don't forget to update your savings target! You are only €[Amount] away from your goal for [Savings Goal]. Go and get it! - [Bank name]"

Transfer confirmation via SMS:

"Confirmation: Your transfer from [Amount] to [Recipient] has been processed successfully. Please check your transaction history for more details! - [Bank Name]"

Notify interest rate changes via SMS:

"Important notice: The interest rate on your savings account will be changed to [New rate] from [Date]. Please check your account for more details. - [Bank name]"

SMS with transaction notifications for high amounts:

"Your account [Account number] has been debited for [Amount] on [Date]. For more information, log in to your online banking or call our customer service team at [Telephone no.]. - [Bank name]"

SMS templates for insurers

Premium reminder via SMS:

"Dear [Name], your insurance premium of €[Amount] is due on [Date]. - [Insurer]"

Payment reminder via SMS: 

"Your payment of [Amount] has not yet been received. Please make your payment by [Date] to avoid additional charges. - [Insurer]"

Claim processed SMS message:

"Your claim has been processed. Please log in to our online claims portal via our website to see if you are entitled to compensation. - [Insurer]"

Documentation Request via SMS:

"We require additional documents for your claim. Please visit our online portal to upload these. - [Insurer]"

Emergency alert via SMS:

"You have recently booked a trip outside Europe. Have you already taken out travel insurance with global cover? - [Insurer]"

Policy change via SMS:

"Important notice: changes have been made to your insurance policy. View the updated terms and conditions and coverage on your online account. - [Insurer]"

Expired insurance notification by SMS: 

Your insurance policy for [Policy number] will expire soon on [Date]. Please contact your adviser to renew cover or for more information. - [Insurer]"

SMS templates for pension funds

Pension contribution reminder via SMS:

"Dear [Name], your monthly pension contribution of €[Amount] is due on [Date]. - [Pension Fund]"

Benefit update via SMS:

"Your pension payment for [Month] has been processed and will be in your account soon. - [Pension Fund]"

Information update via SMS:

"There are important updates to your pension scheme. Please visit our website and log in via your personal account for more information. - [Pension Fund]"

Feedback request via SMS:

"We would like to hear your opinion about our service. Please complete our short survey. [Link] - [Pension Fund]"

Seminar invitation via SMS:

"Find out more about your retirement planning. Register for our free seminar on [Date]. [Link] - [Pension Fund]"

SMS templates for investment funds

Investment update via SMS:

"Dear [Name], your monthly investment report is available. Please log in to view your performance. - [Investment fund]"

Drawing attention to investment opportunity via SMS:

"New investment opportunity: [Project Name]. Visit our website for more info and invest today. - [Investment Fund]"

Dividend distribution via SMS:

"Your dividend payment of €[Amount] has been processed and will be in your account soon. - [Investment Fund]"

Information session invitation via SMS:

"Please register for our information session on sustainable investments on [Date]: [Link] - [Investment Fund]"

SMS templates for mortgage companies

Payment reminder via SMS:

"Dear [Name], your mortgage payment of €[Amount] is due on [Date]. Please make sure you pay on time. - [Mortgage company]"

Interest rate change via SMS:

"An interest rate change has been made. Open the app or login to your account for details and how this affects your mortgage. - [Mortgage company]"

Approval via SMS:

"Congratulations! Your mortgage application has been approved! Please contact us for next steps. - [Mortgage company]"

Documents request via SMS:

"We need additional documents for your mortgage application. Please login to your personal account via our website to upload them. - [Mortgage company]"

Refinancing offer via SMS:

"Consider refinancing your mortgage for lower monthly payments. Check our website and make an online appointment with our experts for free advice. - [Mortgage company]"

SMS templates for investment companies

Portfolio update via SMS:

"Dear [Name], there is an update in your investment portfolio. Please log in to view the details. - [Investment company]"

Profit distribution via SMS:

"Congratulations! Your profit distribution of €[Amount] has been processed and will be in your account within 5 working days. - [Investment Company]"

New investment option via SMS:

"Discover our new investment option: [Option Name]. View it now in your personal investment account for more information. - [Investment company]"

Risk alert via SMS:

"Market volatility alert: Monitor your portfolio and consider your strategy. - [Investment company]"

SMS templates for credit rating agencies

Credit score update via SMS:

"Dear [Name], your latest credit score is now available. Please log in to view your score. - [Credit rating agency]"

Fraud alert via SMS:

"There may be suspicious activity on your credit report. Please check your report and take action if necessary. - [Credit Rating Agency]"

Account reminder via SMS:

"Your credit monitoring subscription will expire soon. Renew now to maintain uninterrupted access. - [Credit bureau]"

Credit report access via SMS:

"Your annual free credit report is now available. View it now in your personal credit account via our website. - [Credit bureau]"

Generating opt-ins for WhatsApp communication via SMS 

SMS messages can also be used to generate opt-ins for WhatsApp communications. This way, insurers can also promote more visual content among their target audience. 

Health insurance health tips: 

"Did you know that regular exercise promotes your health and well-being? Receive exclusive weekly tips and advice via WhatsApp: [Link] - [Insurer]"

Welcome SMS for new policyholders:

"Welcome to [Insurer]. We are delighted to welcome you as a new customer. For any queries regarding your policy, please feel free to contact us via WhatsApp: [Link] - [Insurer]"

Investment simulation: 

"Try our new investment simulator and see how your money can grow! Play with different scenarios via WhatsApp: [Link] - [Investment Fund]"

Market analysis:

"Sign up for our WhatsApp updates and see our latest market analysis every month and stay on top of the latest trends: [Link] - [Investment Fund]"

Home ideas:

"Discovering new home trends? Receive weekly inspiration for your dream home via WhatsApp! Subscribe to our newsletter. [Link] - [Hypothecary]"

Ethics and impact: 

"Invest with impact! Discover in your personal account which of your investments contribute to sustainability and social responsibility. Want to receive new sustainable options weekly via WhatsApp? [Link] - [Investment Company]"

Tips and advice:

"Get tips to improve your credit score. Sign up via WhatsApp for our latest advice. - [Credit Rating Agency]"

These templates can be customised and personalised for specific customers and situations within the aforementioned financial institutions.
Wondering what Spryng can do for your organisation? Partner with Spryng for innovative customised solutions. Ready to transform your customer communications? Contact us, get a quote based on your volume or create a no-obligation test account. Now let's craft those messages - your patients will appreciate it!

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