Scanfie & Spryng score with SMS for hospitality businesses

New cooperation & new solution.

Although the coronavirus has not brought much good, during this crisis the hospitality industry has shown how you can keep your business going by thinking innovatively. The effect of their creative entrepreneurship: ordering food, taking it out and having it delivered has become even more popular in one year, among a broader target group. New technologies can help entrepreneurs in the catering industry. Such as the smart Scanfie solutions for ordering food on the spot via QR and calling up guests via text message. 

The solutions that Scanfie offers entrepreneurs in the hospitality, leisure and events sector are easily accessible and quick to use. That makes it extra attractive – especially in these times – for these sectors to use them at times when you want to communicate with your customers quickly and at a distance. 

Guest call system with SMS service 
With Scanfie’s guest calling system, guests are called by SMS when their order is ready for pick-up. It is a lot cheaper than a traditional buzzer system and it always works, no matter how far away the guests are. The main communication medium is SMS. Logical, because SMS has the highest delivery and openingrate and that is extra important when picking up (hot) food. 

Gerard Brouwer, CEO Scanfie

Order websites for pick-up and delivery
With Scanfie’s personalized order website, a restaurant or café has an online takeaway concept within a day. Orders are placed via a digital menu and customers themselves determine the desired pick-up or delivery time. The business owner determines the menu, sets the minimum order amount, the maximum number of orders per time slot, the delivery costs per area and much more. And if the desired pick-up or delivery time is not available on a busy day, the time can be adjusted and the customer is notified via SMS. So they don’t arrive at your restaurant too early or wait for the delivery driver. 

Contactless ordering with QR 
With QR ordering from Scanfie, restaurants and bars can open safely again. Because guests make their own choice from the digital menu via a QR code. Payment can also be made safely and contactlessly via the smartphone. QR ordering ensures less walking movements and a guaranteed 1.5 metre distance, and can also be used as a table management module, digital health check and guest registration.

Smart communication, even after corona
Not only corona, but also new digital applications lower the threshold for ordering food. The younger generations have grown up with them. But an increasingly large number of older people are also finding their way to ordering meals online. The expectation is that digital ordering of food and drink will remain a common practice in the catering industry even after the corona crisis. There is also a challenge for event planners. How do you make ordering snacks and drinks more accessible and safer? For example, through a QR code, so that you can continue to enjoy the event and receive an SMS when the order is ready. Scanfie and Spryng know better than anyone how to meet the needs of the businesses and their guests. With smart tools and communication, no one is waiting to stand in a queue several metres long, even after corona.

About Scanfie
Scanfie is a Dutch company that provides innovative and accessible services for the hospitality, leisure and event sector. Scanfie chose Spryng as its SMS provider because it has direct connections with Dutch providers and because of its competitive pricing. The successful delivery of SMS messages is crucial for Scanfie’s tools. In addition, a competitive price is important because the margins in the hospitality industry are under considerable pressure. 

Want to know more?
Feel free to talk to one of our specialists, because only together we can find the best solutions! Feel free to contact us via [email protected] or +49 30 3080 6900.

New cooperation & new solution.